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Colourless care product for oiled surfaces - WAX.
WAX for wooden surfaced is perfect for maintaining and caring for oiled and stained wooden surfaces.
Natural wood wax is a choice for restoration projects, providing a slightly matte effect.
Renovated room with a classic herringbone wooden floor, treated with Paint Eco Wax for Wood. The wax enhances the natural grain and provides a durable, satin-like finish.
A craftsman applying Paint Eco Wax for Wood to a dark wooden board, enhancing its texture and richness. The wax provides protection and a smooth, natural finish.
An open can of Paint Eco Wax for Wood with yellowish wax inside, placed on a wooden surface.
1 no 6

Vasks Koka Virsmām

Parastā cena €4,23
Pārdošanas cena €4,23 Parastā cena €5,29
Ietaupiet 20%
Nodoklis iekļauts.

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Ieteicamais Tilpums (L): 0

0% GOS

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Dziļa aizsardzība

Atslēga slēpjas faktā, ka mazie linsēklu eļļas molekulas ļauj tai dziļi iekļūt koka šķiedrās, nodrošinot izcilu aizsardzību pret mitrumu.


Izgatavoti no dabīgiem, atjaunojamiem ingredientiem, mūsu produkti ir labi gan cilvēkiem, gan planētai.

Viss, kas jāzina..

A craftsman applying Paint Eco Wax for Wood to a dark wooden board, enhancing its texture and richness. The wax provides protection and a smooth, natural finish.